Sunday, January 26, 2020

Research on Education Policy Development in Secondary School

Research on Education Policy Development in Secondary School CHAPTER THREE:  METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the methodology used in carrying out the research. The research design, population, sample and sampling techniques, instrumentation, validity, reliability, administration and method of data analysis. Research Design Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The design gave the researcher the necessary information to be able to draw some basic conclusions about the adequacy of the data as regards policy implementation in education (Cooper Schindler, 2001). Descriptive survey research design is one in which a group of people or items is studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a few people or items considered to be representative of the entire group (Nworgu, 1991:54). Population The population of the study comprised 247 public senior secondary schools in Rivers State. The respondents consisted of all the 247 school principals and 8452 teachers in senior secondary schools in the State bringing the total population to 8,699 (Rivers State Senior Secondary Schools Board, 2015). Sample and Sampling Techniques The sample for this study comprised 1,305 principals and teachers (15% of 247 = 37 principals and 15% of 8452 = 1268 teachers) using the multi-stage sampling technique. Multi-stage refers to sampling plans where the sampling is carried out in stages using smaller and smaller sampling units at each stage (Wikipedia, 2016). Instrument For Data Collection The instrument for data collection of research data was the questionnaire titled: Assessment of implementation of Education Policy changes Questionnaire (AIEPCQ). The questionnaire was divided into sections A and B. section A was on demographic information and section B was divided into four parts with eight items on each of the parts making a total number of 32 items. Part I focused on information and communication technology (ICT) in public secondary schools, II on the universalization of Junior secondary education, III on professionalization of the teaching profession, and IV on the school-based management policy in senior secondary schools. Document analysis was to supplement questionnaire data. The questionnaire was designed in such a way as to gather information on the perceptions and experiences of a wide range of participants through narrative of their participation and observation of the role of policy implementation. Respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which th ey agree with each statement using the modified Likert type scale ranging from Very High Extent to Low Extent. Very High Extent (V.H.E)-(4 ) High Extent (H.E)-(3 3.99) Moderate Extent (M.E)-(2 2.99) Low Extent (L.E) -(1 1.99) Respondents indicated the extent to which they agree or disagree with the statements. The responses were assigned numerical value. Validity Content and face validities of the instrument for the study were determined. The content and face validity were determined by the scrutiny of two lecturers in the department of Educational Management including the researchers supervisor. Their comments and corrections were adopted to improve the quality of the instrument. Reliability The reliability of the instrument was determined through the use of Cronbach Alpha method. Cronbach Alpha is a reliability co-efficient that reflects how well the items in a set are positively correlated to one another (Sekaran, 1992:69). The instrument was administered once to 20 sampled respondents that were not part of the sample. The reliability co-efficient was determined using the cronbach alpha. The internal consistency of the instrument was computed to be 0.71 Administration of Instrument The researcher including three trained research assistants administered the questionnaire to the school principals and teachers. A total of 1305 questionnaire was administered, 1200 were collected back and found suitable for an analysis. Method of Data Analysis Mean and rank order statistics were used in analyzing the four research questions raised. The criterion mean of 2.5 was adopted. z-test statistics was used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. CHAPTER FOUR:  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter focused on the results and discussion of findings obtained in this study. One thousand two hundred copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and found suitable for analysis. Table 4.1: Distribution of respondents according to their status. STATUS No. Administered No. collected Percentage Return Principals 37 37 100% Teachers 1268 1163 92% Total 1305 1200 Research Question 1: To what extent is the policy on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in senior secondary schools in Rivers state implemented? Table 4.2 Mean (X), mean set and rank order of principals and teachers on the extent of policy on the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in Rivers State. S/N Items Teachers N = 1163 Principals N = 37 Mean set Rank Remark 1. Development of skills through the use of computers 3.18 2.84 3.01 5th High extent 2 Use of Computer to enhance productivity 2.69 3.03 2.86 6th Moderate extent 3. Effective teaching by teachers through the use of computers 3.06 3.08 3.07 4th High extent 4. Creation of effective human capital through the use of computers 2.98 3.29 3.14 2nd High extent 5 Students learn effectively through the use of computers 3.13 3.08 3.11 3rd High extent 6. Ease teachers workload through the use of power point 2.58 2.57 2.58 8th Moderate extent 7. Increased individualization of learning by students through the use of ICT 2.86 2.65 2.76 7th Moderate extent 8. Students exposure to the rudiments of computer literacy 3.37 3.11 3.24 1st High extent AGREEMENT 2.98 2.96 2.97 Source: Field Research, 2015. Table 4.2 shows an aggregate mean of 2.97 for both principals and teachers, the highest mean scores of 3.24, 3.14, 3.11, 3.07, 3.01, 2.86, 2.76 and 2.58 were ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th respectively having means above the criterion mean of 2.5 were accepted indicating that school administrators to a moderate extent implement policy on the use of information and communication technology in Rivers State. Research Questions 2: What is the extent of implementation of policy on the universalization of Junior Secondary Education in Rivers State. Table 4.3 Mean (X), mean set and rank order of principals and teachers on the extent of policy on the universalization of junior secondary education in Rivers State. S/N Items Teachers N = 1163 Principals N = 37 Mean set Rank Remark 9. Disarticulation of JSS from SSS 2.72 3.16 2.94 6th Moderate extent 10. Provision of free and compulsory basic education 2.94 3.35 3.15 2nd High extent 11. Compulsory nine years of primary and junior secondary education 2.94 2.49 2.72 8th Moderate extent 12. Emphasis on curriculum diversification 2.82 3.19 3.01 5th High extent 13. Automatic transition from primary to Junior secondary education 3.17 2.86 3.02 4th High extent 14. Restructuring the school system 2.98 3.24 3.11 3rd High extent 15. Students gets more experience before proceeding to senior secondary 3.34 2.97 3.16 1st High extent 16. Few students to a teacher in the classroom 2.60 3.11 2.86 7th Moderate extent AGGREGATE 2.94 3.05 2.99 Table 4.3 shows an aggregate mean of 2.99 for both principals and teachers, the high mean scores of 3.16, 3.15, 3.11, 3.02, 3.01, 2.94, 2.86 and 2.72 were ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th respectively having means above the criterion mean of 2.5 were accepted indicating that universalization of junior secondary education to a moderate extent in public senior secondary schools in Rivers State is implemented and therefore accepted. Research Question 3: To what extent is the policy on professionalization of the teaching profession in Rivers State implemented? Table 4.4 mean score, mean set and rank order of principals and teachers on the extent of the policy on professionalization of the teaching profession in Rivers State. S/N Items Teachers N = 1163 Principals N = 37 Mean set Rank Remark 17. Continuous teacher professional development 3.02 2.27 2.65 6th Moderate extent 18. Compulsory training of non-professional teachers 3.01 2.70 2.86 4th Moderate extent 19. Must be registered with the professional bodies in Nigeria 2.58 3.05 2.82 5th Moderate extent 20. Improvement of quality education at all levels 2.61 2.54 2.58 7th Moderate extent 21. Development of in-service training 3.11 2.92 3.01 3rd High extent 22. Recruitment of only professional teachers 3.08 2.97 3.02 2nd High extent 23. Regular exposure to innovations in the profession 3.01 3.05 3.03 1st High extent 24. Development of knowledge and skills through mastery of subject matter 2.61 2.41 2.51 8th Moderate extent AGGREGATE 2.89 2.74 2.82 Table 4.4 shows an aggregate mean of 2.82 for both principals and teachers, the high mean scores of 3.03, 3.02, 3.01, 2.86, 2.82, 2.65, 2.58 and 2.51 were ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th respectively having means above the criterion mean of 2.5 were accepted indicating that the policy on professionalization of the teaching profession in Rivers State to a moderate extent will help teachers get a worthwhile experience and impart sound educational morals to the students. Research Question 4: To what extent is the policy on school-based management in Rivers State implemented? Table 4.5 mean scores, mean set and rank order of principals and teachers on the implementation of the policy on school based management in Rivers State. S/N Items Teachers N = 1163 Principals N = 37 Mean set Rank Remark 25. To facilitate school effectiveness 2.79 3.22 3.01 2nd High extent 26 Co-operation between school and community 3.02 2.78 2.90 6th Moderate extent 27. Improved infrastructures in schools 2.42 2.78 2.60 8th Moderate extent 28. Provision of funds to cover running costs 2.89 2.97 2.93 5th Moderate extent 29 Committed community support can enhance accountability 3.12 3.00 3.06 1st High extent 30. Contribution to school planning 3.09 2.81 2.95 4th Moderate extent 31. Provision of support to school activities 2.63 3.29 2.96 3rd Moderate extent 32. Regular access to public funds 3.09 2.70 2.89 7th Moderate extent AGGREGATE 2.88 2.94 2.91 Source: field Research, 2015 Table 4.5 shows that with an aggregate mean of 2.91 for both principals and teachers, items 29, 25, 31, 30, 28, 26, 32 and 27 ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th 7th and 8th in a descending order respectively, they were therefore accepted indicating moderate extent on how the school-based management policy has encouraged communities and schools to work co-operatively in enhancing educational growth and development in the state. Ho1: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of school principals and teachers on the extent policy on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in pubic secondary schools in Rivers State is implemented. Table 4.6: Summary of z-test on the difference between teachers and principals on the extent of implementation of policy on the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in public senior secondary schools in Rivers State. Status No. of Respondents X S.D DF Level of significance z-cal z-crit Remark Teachers 1163 2.98 0.98 1198 0.05 0.11 +1.96 There is no significant difference Principals 37 2.96 1.08 Table 4.6 shows that the z-calculated of 0.11 is less than the z-critical value of + 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance with a degree of freedom of 1198. The null hypothesis is therefore accepted, meaning there is no significant difference between the mean rating of principals and teachers on the extent policy on the use of ICT is implemented in senior secondary schools in Rivers State. H02: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of school principals and teachers on the extent policy on the universalization of junior secondary education in Rivers State is implemented. Table 4.7: Summary of z-test on the difference between teachers and principals on the extent of implementation of policy on the universalization of junior secondary education in Rivers State. Status No. of respondents X S.D DF Level of significance z-cal z-crit Remark Teachers 1163 2.94 1.05 1198 0.05 0.66 +1.96 There is no significant difference Principals 37 3.05 0.99 The result from the table shows that, the z-calculated value (-0.66) is less than the z-critical value of (+1.96). The null hypothesis is therefore accepted, indicating no significant difference between the mean rating of principals and teachers on the extent of implementation of policy on the universalization of junior secondary education in Rivers State. Ho3: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of school principals and teachers on the extent policy on professionalizaiton of the teaching profession in Rivers State is implemented. Table 4.8: Summary of z-test on the difference between teachers and principals on the extent of implementation of policy on professionalizaiton of the teaching profession in Rivers State. Status No. of respondents X S.D DF Level of significance z-cal z-crit Remark Teachers 1163 2.89 1.02 1198 0.05 0.78 +1.96 There is no significant difference Principals 37 2.74 1.15 The result from the table shows that the z-calculated value (0.78) is less than the z-critical value (+ 1.96). The null hypothesis is therefore accepted indicating no significant difference between the mean ratings of principals and teachers on the extent of policy on professionalization of the teaching profession in Rivers State is implemented. Ho4: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of principals and teachers on the extent school-based management policy in Rivers State is implemented. Table 4.9: Summary of z-test on the difference between teachers and principals on the extent of implementation of school-based management policy in Rivers State. Status No. of respondents X S.D DF Level of significance z-cal z-crit Remark Teachers 1163 2.88 1.05 1198 0.05 0.33 +1.96 There is no significant difference Principals 37 2.94 1.08 The result from the table shows that the z-calculated value of -0.33 is less than the z-critical value of + 1.96. The null hypothesis is therefore accepted, meaning that there is no significant difference between the mean score of principals and teachers on the implementation of the school-based management policy in Rivers State. DISCUSSION OF FINDING/IMPLICATIONS The main aim of this study was to assess the implementation of education policy changes in senior secondary schools in Rivers State. In other words, the purpose of the study was to capture the extent of implementation of the different policies introduced as regards teaching and learning. The administration of schools, and the experiences gained. The study addressed the following: Implementation of policy on the use of ICT in senior secondary schools in Rivers State. The answer to research question one revealed that the extent school administrators implement policy on ICT in senior secondary schools in Rivers State is development of knowledge and skills through the use of computer, computer usage enhance productivity. There is effective teaching by teachers through the use of computers, creating of effective human capital through the use of computers, students learn effectively through the use of computers in schools, it eases teachers workload through the use of power point in schools, there is in creased individualization of learning by students through the use of ICT and students are exposed to the rudiments of computer literacy. The respondents agreed on all the items as being adequate and were all accepted. The findings considered ensures that all the items were strongly accepted as ICT inculcation in the school curriculum will help improve students learning and teachers effectiveness majority of the respondents totally agreed on the extent to which ICT policy implementation in schools will lend to high level of development, and their roles on managing the implementation of such policies. The result of hypothesis one shows that there is no significant difference between the mean scores of school principals and teachers on the extent to which they do implement policy changes. The above is in line with Adeosun (2010:196) who observed that the major objective is to develop computer and technological literacy through the introduction of computers in secondary schools similar to what has been done in many other countries including turkey and morocco. The implication to policy makers is that school administrators have high regard for ICT integration in secondary schools, the lack of and inadequacy of ICT equipments and facilities might undermine the achievement of policy goals or frustrate the implementation of such policy. According to Ekoro, (2011) facilities are plants, buildings and equipments which enable people to carryout their activities effectively. This implies that ICT integration in secondary schools will develop such society if the necessary equipments and facilities are provided to enable people carryout their activities effectively. According to Adomi, Okiy and Ruteyan (2003), the absence of ICT equipments in most Nigerian schools leads students to resort to cybercafà ©s for internet access. ICT application and use will prove beneficial in improving Nigerias educational system and giving students a better education. A technologically advance workforce will lead to ICT growth in Nigeria, with the potential to improv e military technology and telecommunications, media communications and skilled CT professionals who will be well-equipped to solve IT problems in Nigeria and other parts of the could (Goshit, 2006). Implementation of policy on universalization of junior secondary education. The answer to research question two on the extent of implementation of the policy on the universalization of junior secondary education in Rivers State are; Few students to a teacher in the classroom, there is free and compulsory basic education, there is automatic transition from primary to junior secondary education, compulsory, uninterrupted nine years of primary and junior secondary education, disarticulation of junior secondary School from senior secondary school, provision of free and compulsory basic education, students gets more experience before proceeding to senior secondary and restructuring the secondary school system. The results of the study presented, shows the importance of the perceived relevance of the universal basic education policy in the school system. The results of hypothesis two indicated no significant difference between the mean scores of principals and teachers on the extent of implementati

Friday, January 17, 2020

Benefits of Spanking Essay

A famous idiom says â€Å"spare the rod and spoil the child† which simply means that if the parent will not punish his child when the latter has committed something wrong, then the child will not be able to distinguish right from wrong. The child will likewise never learn good manners and right conduct. Research says that Sweden was the first country to ban spanking in 1979. Through the years, there have been several movements against spanking of children. In fact, the European Committee is encouraging the member countries to ban corporal punishment. In 2007, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Uruguay, Venezuela, Spain and Chile approved laws which for prohibit parents from spanking their children. In the United States, California and Massachusetts have laws that ban spanking. Because of these laws, more countries are expected to adopt their respective laws against spanking. Most anti-spanking laws have been enacted pursuant to studies on the effects of spanking which is believed to be the cause of violent and aggressive behaviour of children. Based on recent studies, when children are repeatedly spanked, they develop a notion that spanking is an acceptable and normal behavior of adults. Consequently, when these children becomes adult they exhibit violent behavior towards other people or even to their own children on the basis that adults are entitled to be violent and any violent behavior is acceptable as long as it is done by adults. Because of these studies which discourage spanking due to its serious effect on the behavior of children, spanking has become a prohibited act in many countries. On the other hand, it is worthy to note that although these laws will prevent abusive parents from spanking their children and may likewise prevent the development of violent behavior on children, the positive effects of spanking in moderation in order to make the children realize their wrongdoings, have not been considered. As a result, the efficiency of these laws are now being challenged on the ground that despite the enactment and  implementation of the ban on spanking there has been increased rate of child abuse, aggressive parenting and even youth violence. Hence, the aggressive and violent behavior of children cannot be absolutely attributed to spanking since recent studies also show that adults who have displayed violent and aggressive behavior are those who have not been spanked during their childhood.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Culturally Responsible Teaching What Does It Really Mean

Culturally Responsible teaching, a term used by many future educators, but, what does it really mean? To some, it means understanding slang terms and new age lingo to stop bullying between students, others may think that it is keeping students fair and just to one another to ensure a harmonious classroom setting. Now, although these are all a side qualities of culturally responsible teaching they are not the core beliefs; instead, at its simplest it means for a teacher to put all of their previous thoughts and stereotypical ideas about a certain group of people or race aside, so that fair and just teaching can be achieved. â€Å" According to this model of teaching, all the motivational conditions contribute to student engagement.† (Wlodkowski Ginsberg), this is the ultimate goal of the teaching style, and as discussed further in the book and article, there are mainly four components to meeting this goal. Stereotypes, prejudices ideas, and attitudes towards a group of people will change how a teacher motivates students, and thusly, things like this must be changed or dropped altogether in a classroom, to ensure the proper learning of students. Because the vast majority of methods used to employ culturally responsible teaching come in the forms of including students or encouraging students to do something, it means all negative ideas about a student need to be dropped, this way one’s attitude is not altered toward different students. An example of how this can be used in aShow MoreRelatedLeadership Is Not A Position Or Big Office1128 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership is not a position or big office. It does not mean to own expensive office leather furniture. It is not driving a BMW or wearing a Rolex. The leader is a source of inspiration. The Leadership is a magic Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Is the Rookie Ready Essay - 884 Words

STATISTICS HOMEWORK PROBLEM 1 Part of a usability study to assess the usability of voting machines included a measure of the time on task (TOT) of voters casting ballots. The data are for the same ballot cast on two different voting machines at the same location. A few background items: * The voters (participants/users) are a homogeneous group. * Voters were randomly assigned to theo vting machines. * Due to items 1 and 2 above, assume the two groups of voters (one group using the DRE voting machine, and the other using the OptiScan voting machine) have equal variances. * We have no information to indicate that one voting machine will be faster than the other. Your job will be to†¦show more content†¦Problem 2 Part of a usability study of programmable thermostats, the time on task for a series of task performed for each user was recorded. A few background items: * The participants/users are a homogeneous group. * The participants were randomly assigned to each group. * Due to items 1 and 2 above, assume the two groups of participants have equal variances. * We have no information to indicate that one time on task for one group will be faster than the other. Your job will be to perform a â€Å"t† test on these data and draw whatever conclusions you believe you can get from the data. If you need a refresher of the â€Å"t† test, read the â€Å"t-test description.pdf† document. If you need more information, check your statistics book, or use the Internet to find web sites such as (Excel has a â€Å"t† test function although it may not be currently installed in your version; you would then add it in.) Question1 – What is the null hypothesis in this evaluation? Time for each task on thermostat takes the same time Question 2 – Which â€Å"t† test should be used – paired, unpaired/equal variance, unpaired/unequal variance? 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